• Services


    We start at the roof and evaluate not only the roof surface, but also the chimney, the ventilation system, the electrical service entrance, the plumbing stack, and any other systems or components located on the roof.

    Our next step is to inspect the exterior of the home. We use a precise, and thorough approach to look at both the big picture and all the details.

    We then move inside the house, and starting at the bottom, work our way up through the home into the attic. While inside, we address such things as the structure, the heating and cooling systems, the electrical and plumbing systems, the interior finishes, the insulation and ventilation, and accessories such as fireplaces.

    Our evaluation is then communicated through a detailed inspection report, which includes descriptions of all the systems in the home, as well as any recommended improvements. This will help you prioritize the improvements and develop a blueprint for your future in the home.

    Best of all, our services don’t end with the inspection. For as long as you own the home, you can call with any additional questions!


    A maintenance and safety inspection can identify conditions that may lead to problems. Our list of recommended actions will help avoid costly repairs, while maintaining the value of your home.


    Before your builder's warranty expires, have your home inspected for possible construction defects and I tems that may not be functioning properly, or any other issues that may be covered by the builder's warranty.


    Additional Services

    Some additional services that we provide, include a 4 point inspection and a wind mitigation inspection. Both inspections are performed with insurance qualifications in mind, soley. Both inspections will have their own report to provide to your insurance company, and will often result in a lower premuim and may open up more insurance options for the policy holder. The 4 point inspection has homeowners insurance in mind, where the wind mitigation inspection is preformed for a wind storm insurance policy.

  • Contact Us

    Call us today at (409) 504-8874 

    Or book your inspection online:

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